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pdf Industry 4.0 - The Future of Productivity and Growth in Manufacturing Industries Beliebt
Von Bodenseezentrum Innovation 4.0 820 Downloads
Industry 4.0 will transform the design, manufacture, operation, and service of products and production systems. Connectivity and interaction among parts, machines, and humans will make production systems as much as 30 percent faster and 25 percent more efficient and elevate mass customization to new levels.
Manufacturing will be transformed from single automated cells to fully integrated, automated facilities that communicate with one another and boost flexibility, speed, productivity, and quality. In Germany's advanced manufacturing landscape, for example, Industry 4.0 can drive productivity gains of 5 to 8 percent on total manufacturing costs over ten years, totaling €90 billion to €150 billion.
The impact of Industry 4.0 will be significant. Ther research shows that in Germany alone it will contribute about 1 percent per year to GDP over ten years, create as many as 390,000 jobs, and add €250 billion to manufacturing investment (or 1 to 1.5 percent of manufactures' revenues). Although the full shift toward Industry 4.0 might take 20 years to reach fruition, in the next 5 to 10 years key advances will be established and winners and losers will emerge.
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