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LightSim - Forum for Automotive Lighting Simulation and VR

LightSim - Forum for Automotive Lighting Simulation and VR

Am 15.05.2019

Ort: Vogel Convention Center

Veröffentlicht von

Kategorien: Fachveranstaltungen, Vorträge

Views: 322

LightSim is the new forum for experts from the field of automotive light simulation and virtual reality. The networking event picks up the impact of major automotive market trends on virtual development of lighting technologies: autonomous driving, efficiency and electromobility, digitization and connectivity as well as individualization. Besides latest simulation and VR technologies, the event focuses on future developments and trends and discusses thereof arising requirements. The event organizers want to offer both science and industry a better access and new possibilities for professional exchange and future collaborations.

Program & Tickets: https://simpulse.de/69/lightsim2019